
Dear pastor and church leader,

I would like to invite you to consider a change in your thinking about how you generate resources for your church. I assume you want your people to become more mature followers of the Lord Jesus in their stewardship and generosity of their time, talent, and treasure.

But how do you accomplish that goal in your people? I hope you agree with me that teaching them practical and biblical stewardship and generosity requires a focused, intentional, and long-term effort. To help resource you in this effort, God led me to create a church stewardship and generosity training course titled “How to Resource Your Vision”. And it is yours, for FREE.

The Course consists of the following resources:

  • Why Have a Church Stewardship/Generosity Ministry (7-page booklet)
  • How to Resource Your Vision  (113-page book)
  • Supplemental Resources (68-page reference)
  • Video course (5 lectures) that walks you through how to develop your own tailored Church Stewardship/Generosity Ministry.
  • Win-Win Estate/Gift Planning Strategies (14-minute video) to introduce donors to advanced giving strategies.

hOW TO Get Started...

Step #1 - Watch this 60-Second Intro Video

Click to play the video.

Step #2 - Read the 7-Page Booklet

Click the image to open/download the PDF.

Why Have a Church Stewardship Generosity Ministry

Hopefully, the video and booklet will help you decide if you want to explore further how you can implement a lay-led, church-wide ministry teaching biblical and practical stewardship and generosity truths to your people.

Still interested? If so, let me direct you to my FREE comprehensive training course, “How to Resource Your Vision” which I have the joy and privilege of giving to you at no cost or hidden fees. I have no financial interest in your congregation except that they grow in their stewardship walk with the Lord and increase their giving to your ministry.

This course “package” is YOURS to use as you see fit, to make your own, no strings attached or up-sale. As you will see, I only introduce myself as a “friend of your ministry.” This has been a labor of love for me, and my passion is to see this important training spread to church congregations around the world.


Your servant in Christ,

Dick Edic, Co-Founder/President
Vision Resourcing Group

Step #3 - Watch the Video Lectures

Watch the video lectures and Read the Support Documents

How to Resource Your Vision COURSE

This course teaches you how to implement a long-term stewardship & generosity education ministry.

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